salam. sebenarnya perkara ini dah lama berlaku, cuba korang pi kat fb, pastu korang tekan kat bawah account>>>editfriend>>contact. perkara ini x ramai perasan atau x amik pot, mungkin kita masih muda o x ramai kawan2 kita guna smartphone. and apa yang aku cakap adalah based on kajian aku sendiri, based on apa yang terjadi kat aku dan beberapa org and jika ada salah sila betulkan k.
dulu aku x beberapa amik port akan contact2 yang ada number telefon. biasalah hak untuk setiap individu untuk meletakan no telefon kat fb dan sebelum korang import contact or sync dia akan minta korang punya kebenaran, so jika nanti information korang kene jual o whatever nak saman x boleh. dan bila aku jalan2 di internet mencari solusi akan masalah yg dihadapi *** aku, aku terjumpa satu artikel yang mempersoalkan tanggunjawab fb dalam soal information security users. di dalam artikel itu cakap FB banyak membenarkan third party app untuk mengambil information about us. ok so what amir?!
mungkin kat malaysia, information selling is not pisang goreng panas sangat, sebab kita mungkin kurang lagi kes2 pencuri identiti, pengklon identiti. semua maklumat seperti no telefon o car creadit, account especially is very important to those whoe understand how danger its could be. aku harap aku mampu kongsi pengetahuan aku yg x seberapa ini demi keselamatan kawan2 aku jugak. tadi di post bila aku suruh kawan2 aku buang no telefon dan please remove contact number, ada kawan aku cakap. "AKU MALAS NAK AMIK POT, LANTAK MEREKA".
ermmm malaysian,. that y bila amirulrashid kene tembak x da riot but in london when police shoot a men in taxis, caused and rally that turn to be riot after gengster take over the rally. i think if kes amirulrashid happen in london, kompem david cameron and the geng or the entire kerajaan akan jatuh.then next time police o whatever pengkuasa yg cuba menyalahkan guna kuasa akan bertindak serta berfikir beribu kali impak diatas tindakan mereka.hehe..back to issue.
kenapa aku gelabah tentang isu contact nie?.(high value information=contact number&account&password)
1-dulu aku x amik port sebab yang ada just number telefon kawan facebook aku yg sengaja dorang showofff kat fb.hehe
2-tadi bila aku tgk balik, aku boleh nampak account number maybank some1, boleh nampak no pin someone, boleh nampak contact list someone, dan alamat someone, o i can say everything in her hP phonebook .
3-how i know about perkara diatas?sebab aku siasat punya siasat macam special agent gibss o special agent anthony dinozzo dalam ncis.haha.
4-or only i can see the top secrete information for individual?did u know bank pay 4 that kind of information to get..
5-it can be harm 2 urself. in term o u can be hacking victims?maybe thief victims?or be rapes? terlalu banyak bahaya jika kita fikirkan.
6-there is app to track ur location via phone number, if fortsquare and google can make it possible, how about thousand app out there?.hehe.
7-account number?.yeahhh. nothing we can do with it. but if hacker get it?.o they can find your long will u money survive?. hacking is now one of malaysian fav. =)
8-kemungkinan anda meletakan kawan2 anda yang lain dalam bahaya . kemungkinan anda menjadi mangsa kepada serangan cyber..
9-nows day everything is please make sure everything u put on9 and in ur lappy for high value information is protected o encrypted well. as u delete and delete it at Recycle Bin , itu x bermaksud ia akan terpadan semua, still ada sisa2 lagi.i dont know the geek n computar ame for that.
hummmm. 9 sebab kenapa aku gelabah sangat?sebab it involving my ****. kalau kawan2 maybe aku lek jelah. dan bertambah giler seraauuuwww aku buka FB my **** yang import contact itu, dan seperti orang dewasa, almost of her friend is using smartphone i think, so there is like a thousand??.yuppp phone number and the high value information.I JUST OMG!!
. usually org akan save account as acct, acc or akk, mbb, cnb, pnb and too many.hehe. so easy for me to catch on eye. and password? pass.pswd.mbbpssw.cimbpass. pawcmb, ppawmbb, maybkpw. and too many .haha.
so aku pun macam malas nak beleteh panjang2 kan, benda nie memang x susahkan orang pun dan aku masih x dapat macam mana nak benda nie dia import o sharing with friends.aku mash x ketemui jawapan, dimalaysia guwa masih ley jamin, still selamat. takan berlaku seperti di luar negara, ada satu kes perempuan kene serang sebab alamat kantoi kat fb.hehe.
so how nak buang? senang jerk...pergi kat
account>>>edit friend>>>contact>>>belah kanan page.follow ikut bawah nie =)
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after few minute depending on how big ur data,that notification will pop up. |
mbb=account, acct=acount, yg passowrd uh aku x ley nak letak sebab tu bahaya sangat.
terms and conditions.
non on this below is belong to me and not under my responsibility and all the information sharing including picture, names , numbers is sharing for knowledge and anything that taking from this blog that can be use to harm is not my responsibility at all. =) by scrolling down you agree to take all responsibility on your own. =)
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aku x kenal sorang pon! |
baru tahu benda ni semalam...thk God, aku tak pernah simpan my phone number kat, si mark ni tak paparkan hape2 kat situ..huhuhu
ReplyDelete@eddy syrol~ kamu memang x save..kawan2 kamu????? bahaye ni..try tnye kawan2
ReplyDeleteNice info~
ReplyDeleteIngatkan sebab guna Facebook mobile je..rupanya lebih dari itu ek?